
Tips to Wake up for Fajr Prayer

Tips to Wake up for Fajr Prayer

Quran for Kids by Minshawi

Good video for our kids to listen to

Tajweed Rules (Ikhfaa of Noon Sakinah)

Imam Jumaa explains the rules of Noon Sakinah

Tajweed Rules (letter Raa)

Imam Jumaa explains how to pronounce the letter Raa properly

Emotional Recitation by Sh. Moutasem Al-Hameedi

Emotional Recitation by Sh. Moutasem Al-Hameedi

Quran Recitation by Shaikh Ezzat Sabry

Quran Recitation by Shaikh Ezzat Sabry

Sh. Ezzat Sabry




Iqama Courtice
 Fajr   06:05 am  06:45 AM
 Zuhr  12:05 pm  12:45 PM
 Asr  02:20 pm  03:00 PM
 Magrib  04:39 pm  Sunset
 Isha  06:05 pm  07:15 PM
 Juma  12:40 pm  01:00 PM
 Juma 2  01:40 pm   1:30 pm