Assalamu alaikom brothers and sisters
Inshallah we will have Tarweeh this year 2018 at both Location North Oshawa Musslah and Courtice Masjid
- Brothers and sisters are weclomed to join us at any Location
- Prayer will be total of 20 Rak'as at our North Oshawa Mussallah and 8 Rak'as at courtice Masjid
- Isha and Taraweeh will start 10:30 pm First 15 Days of Ramdan then 10:40 second 15 days of the Month
- There will be short reminders after the first 4 Rka'as in the weekends and some of the week days at courtice Masjid.
- There will be summary for every Juzz (Para ) of Quran after Asr at Norht Oshawa Mussallah every day excpet monday
- Khatm Night (completion of Quran) will be on the night 25th, 27th, or 29th of the month Inshallah.
Jazakum Allahu Khayran